-2.90 %
$ -41.4492
Circulating Market Value
$1,529.94 Ten Thousand
Circulating Market Value($)
0.00 %
Share in Global Total Market Value
Share in Global Total Market Value = (Currency's Circulating Market Value / Total Market Value of All Currencies) * 100%
Volume in Circulation (BTC)
0.28 %
Flow Rate
Flow Rate = (Total Circulation / Maximum Supply) * 100%
24h Turnover($)
0.15 %
Turnover Rate
Turnover Rate, also known as "turnover rate", refers to the frequency of resale in the market within a certain period, reflecting the strength of liquidity. The formula for calculating 24H turnover rate is: 24H turnover / Circulating Market Value * 100%
24H Max
24H Volume
$171.64 Ten Thousand
24H Min
24h Amount
$231.16 Ten Thousand
7D Max
All-time High
7D Min
All-time Low
Initial Price
Return on Investment
issue date
Alpine F1 Team Fan Token Market
Alpine F1 Team Fan Token summary
Alpine F1 Team Fan Token information
Alpine F1 Team Fan Token express
date comparison | today | 30 days | 90 days |
change in amount | $-0.04 | $-0.18 | $-0.04 |
price limit | -2.90 % | -11.72 % | -2.89 % |
Alpine F1 Team Fan Tokensummary of real-time price data
Alpine F1 Team Fan TokenThe real-time price is $1.35(BTC/USD),the current market value is $1,529.94 Ten Thousand。the 24-hour trading volume is 171.64 Ten Thousand。
BTC to USD prices updated in real time。Alpine F1 Team Fan Token the change in the last 24 hours is -2.90 %。its circulating supply is 11360000。
what is the maximum price for Alpine F1 Team Fan Token
Alpine F1 Team Fan Tokenthe highest price in history (ATH) is $11.48 ,recorded in 2022-03-12。
what is the minimum price for Alpine F1 Team Fan Token
Alpine F1 Team Fan Tokenthe lowest price in history (ATL) is $0.92 ,recorded in 2024-08-05。
related discussion
Trading Platform | Latest Price($) | 24H Volume | 24h Turnover($) | Update Time |