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Uniswap v3 (Base)

Uniswap v3 (Base)

Global Overall Ranking
24h Turnover
1.94 Hundred Million
24h Up and Down
Established Time
Registered Territory
Register Website
Official Website
Asset Strength $1.94 Hundred Million
Number of Pairs 422
Alternate Site
Procedure Charge 0
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Transaction Pair Latest Price($) 24H Volume 24h Turnover($) Proportion Update Time
3,335.15 2.05 Ten Thousand 6,827.46 Ten Thousand 34.96% 2Minutes Ago
1.51 Ten Thousand 1.83 Ten Thousand 2.77 Hundred Million 11.98% 2Minutes Ago
6,758.32 1.89 Ten Thousand 1.28 Hundred Million 11.88% 2Minutes Ago
55.69 Ten Thousand 1.90 Ten Thousand 105.92 Hundred Million 11.87% 2Minutes Ago
0.00 977.47 Ten Thousand 105.05 5.08% 2Minutes Ago
3,334.01 2,712.36 904.30 Ten Thousand 4.60% 2Minutes Ago
0.31 1,632.75 Ten Thousand 504.91 Ten Thousand 2.58% 2Minutes Ago
0.00 2,882.05 Hundred Million 1,170.98 1.99% 2Minutes Ago
12.31 Ten Thousand 1,189.88 1.46 Hundred Million 1.81% 2Minutes Ago
4,740.33 Ten Thousand 3,233.24 1,532.66 Hundred Million 1.41% 2Minutes Ago
3,335.09 555.90 185.40 Ten Thousand 0.95% 2Minutes Ago
2,279.39 542.17 123.58 Ten Thousand 0.93% 2Minutes Ago
12.61 72.46 Ten Thousand 913.34 Ten Thousand 0.92% 2Minutes Ago
4.21 38.34 Ten Thousand 161.50 Ten Thousand 0.83% 2Minutes Ago
10.65 Ten Thousand 309.35 3,293.49 Ten Thousand 0.54% 2Minutes Ago
120.23 Hundred Million 318.45 3.83 Trillion 0.53% 2Minutes Ago
30.99 Ten Thousand 292.74 9,071.56 Ten Thousand 0.49% 2Minutes Ago
3,339.03 284.78 95.09 Ten Thousand 0.49% 2Minutes Ago
1.00 68.87 Ten Thousand 68.87 Ten Thousand 0.35% 2Minutes Ago
687.97 Ten Thousand 139.42 9.59 Hundred Million 0.25% 2Minutes Ago
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