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Global Overall Ranking
24h Turnover
409.33 Ten Thousand
24h Up and Down
Established Time
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Asset Strength $409.09 Ten Thousand
Number of Pairs 71
Alternate Site
Procedure Charge 0
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KYC Certification
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Social Account
Transaction Pair Latest Price($) 24H Volume 24h Turnover($) Proportion Update Time
0.00 3,474.22 7.07 51.19% 3Minutes Ago
191.95 1,265.75 24.30 Ten Thousand 18.59% 3Minutes Ago
9.49 Ten Thousand 1.85 17.53 Ten Thousand 13.41% 3Minutes Ago
3,369.03 13.11 4.42 Ten Thousand 3.38% 3Minutes Ago
2.20 1.84 Ten Thousand 4.06 Ten Thousand 3.11% 3Minutes Ago
187.59 170.04 3.19 Ten Thousand 2.44% 3Minutes Ago
0.00 97.69 Hundred Million 2.83 Ten Thousand 2.17% 3Minutes Ago
8.02 1,684.75 1.35 Ten Thousand 1.03% 3Minutes Ago
0.04 2.39 0.08 0.61% 3Minutes Ago
0.00 4.86 Ten Thousand 0.07 0.54% 3Minutes Ago
713.73 7.81 5,576.70 0.43% 3Minutes Ago
0.14 3.89 Ten Thousand 5,450.92 0.42% 3Minutes Ago
0.22 2.42 Ten Thousand 5,298.90 0.41% 3Minutes Ago
0.00 1,800.51 0.04 0.30% 3Minutes Ago
0.84 4,055.88 3,424.58 0.26% 3Minutes Ago
0.31 1.01 Ten Thousand 3,167.98 0.24% 3Minutes Ago
0.00 360.26 Ten Thousand 2,918.15 0.00% 3Minutes Ago
0.00 835.91 Ten Thousand 1,843.69 0.14% 3Minutes Ago
4.25 420.05 1,784.67 0.14% 3Minutes Ago
19.29 90.93 1,754.08 0.13% 3Minutes Ago
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