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Global Overall Ranking
24h Turnover
6,670.02 Ten Thousand
24h Up and Down
Established Time
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Asset Strength $6,680.51 Ten Thousand
Number of Pairs 420
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Procedure Charge 0
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Transaction Pair Latest Price($) 24H Volume 24h Turnover($) Proportion Update Time
1.63 Ten Thousand 1,055.34 Ten Thousand 1,718.94 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
15.21 Hundred Million 51.98 790.69 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
3.51 Ten Thousand 111.34 Ten Thousand 391.15 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
0.29 1,249.64 Hundred Million 357.40 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
5,384.30 Ten Thousand 383.46 206.47 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
5,000.00 315.26 Ten Thousand 157.63 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
299.17 Ten Thousand 3,347.86 100.16 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
4,314.00 214.35 Ten Thousand 92.47 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
490.00 1,405.61 Ten Thousand 68.87 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
2,730.00 250.93 Ten Thousand 68.50 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
4,332.00 133.96 Ten Thousand 58.03 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
1.03 Ten Thousand 48.27 Ten Thousand 49.55 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
6.95 Ten Thousand 6.87 Ten Thousand 47.76 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
3,617.00 116.07 Ten Thousand 41.98 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
2.54 Ten Thousand 13.88 Ten Thousand 35.24 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
63.00 5,406.05 Ten Thousand 34.06 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
69.00 4,656.71 Ten Thousand 32.13 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
1,300.00 225.74 Ten Thousand 29.35 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
1.42 Ten Thousand 20.24 Ten Thousand 28.81 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
1,102.32 Ten Thousand 237.64 26.20 Hundred Million 0.00% 29Minutes Ago
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