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Global Overall Ranking
24h Turnover
181.54 Hundred Million
24h Up and Down
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Asset Strength $33.10 Hundred Million
Number of Pairs 623
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Procedure Charge 0.04
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Transaction Pair Latest Price($) 24H Volume 24h Turnover($) Proportion Update Time
9.32 Ten Thousand 6.45 Ten Thousand 60.09 Hundred Million 33.94% 31Minutes Ago
3,303.31 104.24 Ten Thousand 34.43 Hundred Million 19.45% 31Minutes Ago
9.32 Ten Thousand 2.35 Ten Thousand 21.91 Hundred Million 12.37% 32Minutes Ago
183.11 476.82 Ten Thousand 8.73 Hundred Million 4.93% 31Minutes Ago
3,303.35 20.65 Ten Thousand 6.82 Hundred Million 3.85% 32Minutes Ago
2.16 2.50 Hundred Million 5.38 Hundred Million 3.04% 31Minutes Ago
0.31 17.47 Hundred Million 5.36 Hundred Million 3.03% 31Minutes Ago
677.86 59.44 Ten Thousand 4.03 Hundred Million 2.28% 31Minutes Ago
0.02 172.84 Hundred Million 3.04 Hundred Million 1.72% 31Minutes Ago
4.17 6,149.03 Ten Thousand 2.56 Hundred Million 1.45% 31Minutes Ago
0.87 1.53 Hundred Million 1.34 Hundred Million 0.76% 31Minutes Ago
341.33 37.23 Ten Thousand 1.27 Hundred Million 0.72% 31Minutes Ago
22.30 551.87 Ten Thousand 1.23 Hundred Million 0.70% 31Minutes Ago
1.88 5,688.09 Ten Thousand 1.07 Hundred Million 0.60% 31Minutes Ago
36.07 251.04 Ten Thousand 9,054.93 Ten Thousand 0.51% 31Minutes Ago
0.27 3.10 Hundred Million 8,261.25 Ten Thousand 0.47% 31Minutes Ago
0.86 8,714.15 Ten Thousand 7,459.32 Ten Thousand 0.42% 31Minutes Ago
2.14 3,472.40 Ten Thousand 7,435.45 Ten Thousand 0.42% 31Minutes Ago
13.51 480.72 Ten Thousand 6,493.02 Ten Thousand 0.37% 31Minutes Ago
0.02 29.70 Hundred Million 6,363.17 Ten Thousand 0.36% 31Minutes Ago
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