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Alitas alitas

$ 0.11
0.24 % $ -78.4512
$ 0.11
0.24 % $ -78.4512
NO.1079 Circulating Market Value $1,311.78 Ten Thousand
Circulating Market Value($)
0.00 %
Share in Global Total Market Value
Volume in Circulation (BTC)
0.12 %
Flow Rate
24h Turnover($)
0.00 %
Turnover Rate
24H Max $0.12
24H Volume $4.68 Ten Thousand
24H Min $0.11
24h Amount $5,110.96
7D Max $0.13
All-time High
7D Min $0.11
All-time Low $0.07
Initial Price $0.90
Return on Investment
issue date 2021-07-14
Alitas Market Alitas summary Alitas information Alitas express


date comparison today 30 days 90 days
change in amount $0.00 $-0.04 $0.01
price limit 0.24 % -26.92 % 7.14 %

Alitassummary of real-time price data
AlitasThe real-time price is $0.11(BTC/USD),the current market value is $1,311.78 Ten Thousand。the 24-hour trading volume is 4.68 Ten Thousand。 BTC to USD prices updated in real time。Alitas the change in the last 24 hours is 0.24 %。its circulating supply is 120000000。

what is the maximum price for Alitas
Alitasthe highest price in history (ATH) is $101.57 ,recorded in 2021-11-16。

what is the minimum price for Alitas
Alitasthe lowest price in history (ATL) is $0.07 ,recorded in 2024-09-17。

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